Label: "COVID-19"

April 04, 2020 17:33

Hungary to impose special levies in scope of plan to mitigate coronavirus impacts

Economic stimulus package could reach 18-22% of GDP

April 04, 2020 16:20

PM Orbán confirms Hungary will create as many jobs as wiped out by coronavirus

Responds to ETUC General Secretary: the goal is to save and create jobs

April 03, 2020 16:17

"I have no time for this!," Orbán tells EPP Secretary General

Orbán's rule by decree is not getting love from Europe

Szincsak Attila
April 03, 2020 13:05

Denso plant restarts in Hungary at limited capacity

After a two-week outage due to coronavirus

April 03, 2020 10:06

Moody’s: Hungary’s Coronavirus Act raises concerns about rule of law, will intensify tensions with EU

Reduction of EU funds in next MFF would be credit negative

koronavírus sakk
April 03, 2020 08:45

COVID-19 claims 5 lives in Hungary

Infection count at 623

April 03, 2020 08:00

Hungary's Orbán to make key announcements on Saturday and Tuesday

Health care workers to recieve HUF 500,000 extra allowance

April 02, 2020 16:49

Audi joins Mercedes and Suzuki, puts off restart date

Forced production suspension extended to 19 April

kórház getty
April 02, 2020 10:15

Hungary updates coronavirus map

Budapest has highest number of infections

April 02, 2020 08:43

13 European countries issue joint statement over Hungary's Coronavirus Act

Again, Hungary is not mentioned by name, but...

koronavirus, mikroszkop
April 02, 2020 08:35

Hungary COVID-19 case count rises to 585

42 people recovered

April 01, 2020 12:08

Mercedes, Suzuki plants extend downtime forced by coronavirus pandemic

Restart was likely to be put off

April 01, 2020 09:00

COVID-19: Number of confirmed cases over 500 in Hungary

Four more people dead

gyár dolgozó munkás
April 01, 2020 09:00

Coronavirus lands staggering punch on Hungary's industry

Manufacturing PMI plummets to all-time low

kijárási korlátozás orbán viktor koronavírus járvány
April 01, 2020 08:43

COVID-19: Hungary publishes coronavirus map at last

All counties are affected, Budapest stands out

April 01, 2020 08:01

IMF Board nods on new round of bilateral borrowing to help countries battle coronavirus

IMF money to be available also beyond 2020.

Ursula von der Leyen velemeny cikk digitalis atallas europai bizottsag 200219
March 31, 2020 16:08

Commission President issues warning over Hungary's Coronavirus Act

Lack of sunset clause, possible curbing of media independence are problems