Label: "coronavirus"

orrfújás koronavírus indiai variáns delta
January 03, 2024 16:34

There are new symptoms associated with latest coronavirus subvariant

Loss of smell and taste no longer on top of the lsit

vírus, fertőzés, mikróba, járvány, baktérium
December 21, 2023 13:10

Cold season getting worse, coronavirus remains key pathogen in Hungary

More people in hospital, more in intensive care

covid kórház koronavírus járvány
December 18, 2023 10:29

Severe wave of respiratory infections sweeps the country, largely caused by COVID-19

Things could get worse in the coming weeks

December 15, 2023 16:27

Most interesting information revealed about Hungary's Covid vaccine procurement

How much is 700,000 doses exactly? Maybe only 72,000...

Beteg nő influenza covid
December 14, 2023 13:17

Flu season worsens in Hungary, with epidemic curve flattening a bit

Covid positivity rate jumps, hospital stats improve some

omikron oltás koronavírus gyerek lány getty stock
December 08, 2023 11:55

Hungary to launch new coronavirus vaccination campaign

Due to Omicron subvariant(s)

December 07, 2023 13:27

Respiratory and coronavirus infections rise as winter hits Hungary

Influenza season looks much worse than in previous years

Pfizer oltás
December 07, 2023 08:42

New details emerge in Pfizer lawsuit against Hungary over vaccine debt

Cabinet talks about unnecessarily large amounts of shots

pfizer vakcina gyógyszergyártó
December 06, 2023 09:31

Pfizer and BioNTech sue the Hungarian government over 3 million doses of Covid vaccines

The state has not paid for €60 million worth of shipments

November 30, 2023 13:15

Share of coronavirus in samples tested jumps in Hungary

Season of respiratory infections looking worse than in previous years

antitest antibody koronavírus covid labor
November 23, 2023 11:15

Flu season intensifies in Hungary, hospital stats improve

COVID-19 positivity rate drops some

November 15, 2023 09:52

In the shadow of Covid, yet another dangerous wave of infections begins

Drug-resistant strains of bacteria on the rise

October 02, 2023 13:30

Hungary's Katalin Karikó awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine

Along with Drew Weissman for mRNA vaccines

September 21, 2023 12:01

Hungarians need Covid vaccines again, epidemiologist warns

Friss vizsgálat tanulságait ismertette Oroszi Beatrix.

kutya napszemüveg nyaralás boldogság autó getty stock
May 11, 2023 16:05

Influenza epidemic practically over in Hungary

Covid stats baffling, but not really...

April 28, 2023 11:05

Hungary scraps last Covid restriction measure

Health care institutions freed of 'burden'

beteg koronavírus orrfújás
April 27, 2023 15:45

Influenza epidemic keeps improving in Hungary

Albeit at a slower rate

covid, koronavírus-válság, járványügyi segély
April 26, 2023 13:58

Hungarian economy put on ventilator with state aid

Government pumped more into the economy than it lost in GDP

April 21, 2023 10:55

Flu epidemic still in retreat in Hungary, share of Covid patients in hospital rises

Key Covid stats show marked worsening, but no worries