Interview with founder Péter Vidos
Interview with Princeton University professor and IMF historian
Will have many potential uses
They purchased a 31% block of shares
Interview with Martin Kern, Director of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).
Innovation scheme with HUF 181 billion budget
Hungary is catching up but only slowly
R&D expenditure declines as a percentage of GDP
However, we may face difficulties before we get to the good stuff
Headcount to grow
Exclusive article by Mihály Varga on Portfolio
More responsibilities to minister Márton Nagy
Under 70% of EU average
Interview with Dorsum strategy chief Gyula Csorba
EIT Health awards InSimu, Sineko EUR 25,000.
Tens of billion of forints will be spent on package processing.
Massive EU funds help, but there's room for improvement.
Protests and pleas fall on deaf ears.
In the name of science reform.
Rapid cooling technology of V-Chiller takes third place.