Wage adjustment can be expected twice this year
The Ministry of Interior has confirmed the news
The principal is to raise as much as for teachers
Trade unions and the government meet today
In two out of three subjects
In particular, science and foreign language teachers may be transferred to neighbouring municipalities
5% of all teachers in public education left this year alone
Also life expectancy thrown back to where it was 10-15 years ago, according to the Labour Market Yearbook 2022
Reaches HUF 1.6 billion by end-October
Want 50% pay rise
Will not support majority vote
In February, the country's first accredited ChatGPT university course will be launched
Lots of data missing from the non-state sector
To send signal of support for ordinary Hungarians
According to information obtained by the Democratic Trade Union of Teachers
Successful Hungarian businessman Gábor Bojár gives interview
Unions prepare to convene strike committees
State secretary says only 1% of teachers did not sign new career status
Amid the wave of resignations comes the secrecy
The school year is not off to a good start