Label: "eu funds"

európai uniós zászló európai bizottság
February 03, 2021 10:44

European Commission begins work on second rule of law report

Hungary may lose EU funding

Orban Viktor unios csucstalalkozo koltsegvetes megallapodas magyarorszatg 201210
December 10, 2020 20:30

Council nods on proposal that clears EU budget blockade

Hungary, Poland drop veto over delayed application of rule-of-law mechanism

orban facebook video lanchid kijarasi tilalom
December 10, 2020 12:34

Hungary's Orbán says EU just "one inch" from compromise on budget

PM hopeful about today's discussion

Gulyas Gergely kormanyinfo bejelentes 201210
December 10, 2020 11:45

Draft proposal to end EU budget impasse addresses all veto concerns - Hungarian minister

Hungarian-Polish worries over rule-of-law mechanism resolved, says Gulyás

brusszel europai unio
December 10, 2020 09:05

Hungary, Poland off the hook for now, draft proposal shows

Rule of law breaches will not lead to loss of EU funds - temporarily

jogallamisag koltsegvetesi veto Orban Viktor Mateusz Morawiecki Jaroslaw Kaczynski 201209
December 09, 2020 13:39

Breaking: Hungary, Poland drop EU budget veto

Polish government source says.

Michael Roth nemet javaslat jogallamisag veto 201207
December 09, 2020 09:10

MFF, recovery fund, rule-of-law mechanism intertwined - Minister of State of Europe

Germany, EU working on a solution, stance remains

December 07, 2020 13:20

Hungary inflation seen lower in November, summer price boom in the rear view mirror

Central bank can chill even more

vihar brüsszelben
December 07, 2020 08:35

Fate of Hungarian-Polish EU budget veto to be decided this week

ECB may put foot on gas again

December 04, 2020 13:01

Commission does not bow to Hungarian-Polish budget blockade

EU lawyers find possible ways of circumventing objections

orban facebook video lanchid kijarasi tilalom
December 04, 2020 08:30

Orbán says no deal, refuses to join Poland in dropping veto of EU budget

Exiting EU has its perks, he adds

koltsegvetesi veto orban viktor mateusz morawiecki unios koltsegvetes 201203
December 03, 2020 23:10

Poland ready to give up veto for EU declaration on rule of law

Realises blocking EU budget, recovery fund would be bad for Poland and others

December 02, 2020 22:00

Rating agencies warn Hungary would put a lot on the line with EU budget veto

They trust there will be a deal, though

Ursula von der Leyen europai bizottsag vakcina pfizer biontech oltoanyag beszerzes magyarorszag 2011089
December 02, 2020 16:02

Commission President von der Leyen talks about emergency budget

If Hungarian-Polish veto is not resolved shortly

December 02, 2020 11:18

Expert urges EU to bypass budget blockade by Hungary, Poland

There are ways to do so

December 02, 2020 08:12

Soros says finds key to shackle Hungary and Poland put on EU budget

Previous idea revisited

Varso Orban Viktor Mateusz Morawiecki veto unios koltsegvetes 201130
December 01, 2020 11:44

Hungary, Poland dig in heels in rule-of-law debate with EU

Awaiting German proposal to solve budget standoff