Gasoline price to be changed after more than a month.
Price of gasoline will not change.
Price differences remain huge at pumps .
Tax authority chief pushes petrol prices lower - in his hometown.
We already have the first locations.
The last hike was on Saturday.
Prices to be changed after three weeks.
Last week Mol raised the price of diesel.
The price of diesel has not changed.
Gasoline price was raised last Friday.
The price of gasoline does not change this time.
Price differences at pumps remain huge.
Price of gasoline was raised two weeks ago.
A litre of 95-octane petrol will cost the same as a litre of diesel.
Modernisation and rebranding of petrol stations continue.
Mol to lower fuel prices on Wednesday.
Move related to excise tax reduction.
About 100 pumps is the goal.