COVID-19: Nearly 1,000 new cases, 95 deaths in Hungary

Hungarian authorities diagnosed 976 people with coronavirus infection over the past 24 hours, taking the total to 354,252. 95 people have succumbed to diseases relating to COVID-19. The death toll is up at 11,615.
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The total number of official coronavirus infections grew by 976 to 354,252 in Hungary over the past 24 hours, the official government portal reported on Wednesday morning. This marks an uptick after lower numbers on the previous days, but the good news is that the 7-day moving average dropped further.


95 people have died in coronavirus-related diseases over the past 24 hours, taking the death toll to 11,615. The figure compares with 115 COVID-19 deaths on the previous day, and the 7-day moving average is currently at 95, showing a descending trend. 


The number of people that recovered from their coronavirus infection rose by 1,317 to to 233,232. There are currently 4,218 COVID-19 patients in hospital (-227 d/d), with 294 of them on ventilators (-15 d/d). 


The reason behind the rise in the number of daily confirmed COVID-19 cases is that authorities performed a lot of tests, more than 16,000 in the past 24 hours and the positivity rate came in at 6% which is favourable.


The official government portal also said that practically all of the vaccines delivered to Hungary have been used. A total of 130,318 people have got their COVID-19 jabs, and 2,939 people have received even their booster shots. Most of them are health care workers, and authorities vaccinated 10,000 nursing home residents and staff. The next vaccine shipment is due today, with Pfizer sending a batch enough for the incoculation of 36,000 people, a smaller volume than the previous one.

Based on the aforementioned data, 1.3% of the Hungarian population have been vaccinated against COVID-19 up to date. 

1.755 million Hungarians have registered to get vaccinated against COVID-19, said Csaba Dömötör, political state secretary at the Prime Minister's Cabinet Office, in a video posted on his Facebook page today. 

He noted that based on the vaccination plan, health care workers and the residents and employees of nursing homes have been receiving their shots for weeks, and in the next round they will target those older than 89. 

Cover photo: Orsi Ajpek/Getty Images


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