COVID-19 in Hungary: Third wave continues to unfold

Hungarian authorities confirmed 1,628 new coronavirus (COVID-19) cases on Monday, increasing the total to 407,274. The death toll rose to 14,450 after 103, mostly elderly or chronic, patients succumbed to the disease. There are now 4,582 coronavirus patients in hospital, with 396 of them on ventilators. 457,096 people have been vaccinated so far, and 205,720 of them have received their second shots, the official government website said.
oltás vakcina koronavírus covid-19 tű kórház oltópont

The 1,628 new cases do not seem overly high, but as noted several times, Tuesday morning figures reflect lower activity over the preceding weekend. Compared to last Tuesday’s 823 new cases, the outbreak appears to be picking up pace.

The seven-day moving average is rising steeply.

The number of fatalities was again relatively high as the disease claimed the lives of 103 people in the past 24 hours. The seven-day moving average is on a slow rising trend.


The number of people treated in hospital and of those receiving artificial ventilation are both growing fast in the third wave, unfortunately foretelling a firther increase in fatalities in coming weeks.


The ratio of people vaccinated in Hungary is now near 5% as 457,096 people have received at least one shot, while 205,720 have received the second dose as well.

Cover photo: MTI/ Sándor Ujvári


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