COVID-19: Number of new cases down, deaths, ventilation up in Hungary

Hungarian authorities diagnosed 9,023 people with SARS-CoV-2 infection over the past week, which shows a 24% week-on-week decrease after a 4% drop. 140 people died of coronavirus-related diseases over the past seven days, versus 118 a week earlier (+19% after a 13% rise). There are 1,361 people with COVID-19 in hospital, 14% fewer than a week ago, while 25 of them are on ventilator, nearly 40% more than a week ago, which comes after a 44% w/w drop. The figures remain extremely volatile.
koronavírus lélegeztetőgép kórház beteg covid

The table below includes the number of new COVID-19 infections, coronavirus-related deaths, and the number of infected people in hospital and on ventilator for the week up to 27 September, as well as the week-on-week changes for the past four weeks. The closer the colour of the cell is to green, the greater the w/w decline / smaller the w/w growth is (good), while the closer the colour of the cell is to red, the bigger the w/w growth / smaller the w/w drop is (bad).


In any case, here are a few charts about the key indicators that show the main developments in the pandemic since mid-May:


When interpreting the data on the graphs note that the 16 August report contained apparently false data which did not fit into the trend at all.

It's worth putting the weekly changes side by side. Note that the reliability of the data is extremely low, but these are the figures we have to work with. Apart from the mid-August fluke the data are consistent.


The 'On ventilator / In hospital' ratio was falling constantly since May, although there was a spike in late August. The ratio has been steadily rising since mid-Sept and reached 1.9% a week ago, only to rather inexplicably drop to 1.1% last week and jump back to 1.8% by yesterday.

Vaccination uptake rises, 4th doses remain the most popular

A total of 8,738 COVID-19 shots have been administered in Hungary over the past seven days, up from 5,932, which also showed an increase from 4,824 a week earlier.

The daily average jumped 47% to 1,248 doses per day after a 23% growth to 847 a week ago.

On the graph below you can find a breakdown of the percentage of basic shots and boosters to the total number of doses administered per week. After two weeks of growth The number of 4th doses administered (7,266) jumped by 47% (from 4,936) after an 8% drop a week before that. The number of 1st doses administered grew by 62% to 373 over the past seven days, while a 24% drop in 2nd doses was followed by an 8% growth, and the number of 3rd jabs also grew substantially (62% to 819).

Cover photo: Getty Images


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