
budapest lakások
April 03, 2023 16:15

Supply of homes for sale jumps in Hungary in March, demand also changes

Bargaining power remains high

építkezés, építőipar, fúró, fúrás, alapozás
March 29, 2023 15:15

How does the Hungarian construction industry compare with the rest of Europe?

Differences on spectacular charts

építkezés, építőipar, beruházás
March 29, 2023 12:22

Hungarian construction industry among the bottom performers in the EU

Only Poland and Bulgaria perform worse

faanyag építkezés
March 22, 2023 13:24

Key factors hampering construction company operations in Hungary

Survey results published

építkezés daru
March 21, 2023 10:50

Architecture Act: Hungarian construction materials should be protected

Here are the planned measures by the Minister of Construction and Transport

egészségügy kórház magán
March 17, 2023 08:28

Hungary centralises management of public hospital buildings

Government publishes new rule in decree

építkezés, lakóépület
March 16, 2023 09:54

Dizzying new home prices in Budapest districts

Wallet thickness determines location

okosotthon, smart home, technológia, lakás, internet
March 14, 2023 10:16

New architecture act would require green cards and service manuals for buildings

The aim is to increase sustainability and transparency

finnország építkezés lakások
March 10, 2023 09:27

Building contractors' federation proposes solutions for housing crisis in Hungary

These are the most important steps according to ÉVOSZ

fejlesztési terület telek raktár
March 07, 2023 09:54

Proposed architecture act could drastically tighten the designation of new construction sites in Hungary

Draft law proposes revised green area protection

Getty építőipar építkezés munkások
March 06, 2023 16:17

Hungary's new architecture act to bring about radical changes

Here are the key principles

Beton építkezés építőipar
February 22, 2023 10:10

Hungary dwelling construction up 3.2% in 2022

These were the most popular regions

szakmunkás tégla
February 22, 2023 10:03

Hungarian gov't imposes a 90% special tax on yet another segment of the construction industry

Foreign ceramic material manufacturers are in the crosshairs this time

lakótelep, panel, budaörs, lakóház,
February 17, 2023 10:01

Hungary stats office reports rise in number of dwellings

Despite declining population

Lázár János kormánybiztos
February 16, 2023 09:27

Hungary gov't to redirect capacity from welfare investments towards industry - minister

János Lázár gives in-depth interview on the state of the construction industry

budapest lakás parlament
February 15, 2023 08:33

Hungarian house prices double compared to the previous estimate

The Hungarian Central Statistical Office has updated its figures

February 09, 2023 08:52

Blatant proposal: hundreds of municipal and state buildings could be taken over by churches

With an even wider scope than the 1991 church property law