Fuel prices to rise further in Hungary

The wholesale gross list price of petrol and diesel will be raised on Wednesday (31 January), fuel price tracking site holtankoljak.hu reported on Monday.
benzin üzemanyag tankolás

The wholesale price of both fuel types will go up by HUF 7 per litre on the last day of January. As a result, we should find the following average prices at the pumps from Wednesday:

  • 95-octane petrol: HUF 597/litre
  • Diesel: HUF 632/litre

Compared to the end of 2023, the retail price of petrol was raised HUF 27 or 4.7%, while the price of diesel will have gone up by HUF 39 or 6.6% come Wednesday.

The following graphs show how Hungarian fuel prices compare to prices in neighbouring countries (as of 24 January, at EUR/HUF 386.13).

Címlapkép forrása: Getty Images


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