
Oriens is looking for a senior associate/manager (x)

Oriens is one of the leading investment firms in Central Eastern Europe with activities in Budapest, Prague and Singapore. Our private equity fund takes majority positions in established companies valued at around EUR 10-15 million and enables them to grow very fast.
About Oriens

Oriens is a unique place of work in many respects. First and foremost, it offers an unparalleled learning opportunity for people interested in private equity in the region. Our focus on creating growth in mature companies has so far delivered a spotless record of world-class returns. Second, we offer a special blend of local decision-making and Western professionalism. In most companies, one needs to decide whether he/she wants to work in a multinational environment or be close to the actual strategic investment decisions. We make no compromises in either. Finally, we try to take it easy: we work hard, yet make sure that we spend enough time on understanding the world around us.

Oriens is currently looking for a senior associate/manager (Vice President) to join its Budapest-based transactions team.

The ideal candidate
  • has 4-8 years of relevant experience in either private equity, M&A, or structured finance,
  • can closely monitor, lead, and organize project members' work, yet does not shy away to do any task on his/her own,
  • sets an example to colleagues with outstanding performance in all aspects of teamwork,
  • has an orientation to details,
  • is open and committed to continuous learning, as well as
  • has a desire for a long-term career in private equity.

The responsibilities will include but not limited to:
  • originate, process and analyze investment opportunities in the CEE region,
  • perform financial modelling and analysis, research and due diligence for investment opportunities,
  • prepare the Investment Committee papers, present and share views on the investment opportunities in front of the Investment Committee,
  • coordinate transaction execution processes (i.e. due diligence, transaction structuring),
  • take an active part in negotiating the transaction documents with the shareholders of the target companies,
  • manage relationships with external parties (i.e. advisors, lawyers, business contacts),
  • develop a network of professional contacts in the CEE region,
  • if needed, manage a team of 1-2 analysts.

Additional details

If you are interested in this opportunity, please send your CV until March, 2 to the following email address: hajnalka.kriszt@oriensim.com. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to call our Head of Talent Management, Hajnalka Kriszt (+36-30-246-7838). For further information on us, turn to our webpage: www.oriensim.com.

Oriens is looking for a senior associate/manager

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